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Material selection and characteristics of synchronous belts

In the field of mechanical transmission, as a highly efficient transmission element, the choice of material is directly related to its performance and service life. Different materials give different characteristics to the synchronous belt to meet the needs of different industrial applications.
Rubber synchronous belts have a place in the market with their good elasticity and cost-effectiveness. Rubber materials can absorb shock and vibration, so that the smoothness of the synchronous belt during operation is guaranteed. In addition, some rubber materials also have good oil resistance, so that the synchronous belt can maintain stable performance in an oil environment. However, the temperature resistance and chemical resistance of rubber synchronous belts are relatively poor, so they need to be carefully selected for use in extreme temperature or chemical environments.
Polyurethane (PU) synchronous belts are highly respected for their high strength, wear resistance and temperature resistance. PU synchronous belts can work in a wide temperature range and maintain stable performance in both high and low temperature environments. In addition, polyurethane also has good resistance to most chemicals, so it is suitable for a variety of complex industrial environments. Although the cost of polyurethane synchronous belts is relatively high, its excellent performance makes it the first choice for many high-end applications.
In addition to rubber and polyurethane, wire rope synchronous belts are also a common choice on the market. The steel wire rope synchronous belt is composed of steel wire rope and rubber material, and has the characteristics of high strength, strong wear resistance and long service life. This synchronous belt is particularly suitable for equipment that requires high torque transmission and large loads, such as metallurgical machinery and large cranes.
In addition, there are some special material synchronous belts, such as acrylic synchronous belt and polyester fiber synchronous belt. Acrylic synchronous belt is made of acrylic fiber and rubber material, with good tensile strength, oil resistance, heat resistance and chemical resistance, suitable for high temperature, high load and chemical corrosion occasions. Polyester fiber synchronous belt combines the advantages of polyester fiber and rubber material, with good strength, wear resistance and oil resistance, chemical resistance, mainly used in equipment with high temperature environment requirements.
In addition to the choice of material, the structure and manufacturing process of the synchronous belt are also important factors affecting its performance. For example, the tooth design, pitch and tooth shape of the synchronous belt will affect its transmission efficiency and noise level. In addition, the stitching method and joints of the synchronous belt also need to be precisely designed and manufactured to ensure its firmness and stability.