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What should be paid attention to in the maintenance of raw-edge v belts

Raw-edge V belts are a key transmission device that is essential to the normal operation of the equipment. In order to ensure the long-term stable operation and extend the service life of raw-edge V belts, regular maintenance is essential.

First, regular inspection of the tension and alignment of the V belt is a key step to ensure the normal operation of the transmission system. Too loose or too tight V belts will affect the transmission efficiency and stability, and even cause transmission failure. Adjust the tension of the V belt by using a tensioner to ensure that it is within the normal range. At the same time, check the alignment of the V belt to ensure that the axis of the transmission wheel is in the same straight line to avoid the V belt from offset and wear during the transmission process.

Secondly, regular cleaning of the V belt surface is also an important step to maintain the normal operation of the transmission system. Dust and dirt on the surface of the V belt will affect the transmission efficiency and accelerate the wear of the V belt. Use detergent and soft cloth to clean the surface of the V belt to ensure that it is smooth and dust-free. Avoid using detergents containing solvents to avoid damaging the rubber surface of the V belt.

In addition, regular inspection of the temperature and wear of the V belt is also essential. The V belt will generate a certain amount of heat during operation, and excessive temperature will cause the V belt to age and damage. Check the temperature of the V-belt regularly to ensure that it is within the normal range. At the same time, check the wear of the V-belt and replace the severely worn V-belt in time to avoid transmission failure and equipment damage. Pay attention to whether there are cracks and deformations on the surface of the V-belt, and deal with the problem V-belt in time to ensure the normal operation of the transmission system.

Finally, it is very important to use appropriate tools and equipment for maintenance. During the maintenance of the V-belt, choose the appropriate tensioner and cleaning tools to avoid damaging the V-belt with hard or sharp objects. Pay attention to safe operation and avoid performing maintenance work while the equipment is running to avoid personal injury and equipment damage.